Saudi Arabia will be supplied with latest technology

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Saudi Arabia to be supplied with latest technology for surveillance by NSA regardless of the abuses to human rights

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What is the frontrunner of unrestricted world supposed to do when he comes across dealing with a ruthless police formal? The cleverest way is to join forces with it and to stock it with latest and innovative investigation equipment which will help in further over powering of communication and expression.

We are now aware that NSA has decided to deliver direct technical and analytic support to TAD (the Mechanical affair executive of Saudi Arabian MOD). This is known because of Edward Snowden and a Top secret memo from April 2013.

If we look at it more precisely, the NSA also:

  • Offers its practical guidance on SIGINT subjects like target expansion to TAD, data exploitation plus capability of delicate source gathering.
  • Delivers to the Ministry of Inner terrorist marks of shared nature a delicate decryption service.
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In order to return the favor, the government of Saudi now allows US to have access to some of the delicate physical areas and also share with them some valuable evidence on the military of Iran.

Saudi is among the most oppressive countries in the word, having a catalog of rights of human abuse to its title. The report of practice of Human rights for 2013 of the US Department noted that; the most common problems of human rights includes the absence of the legal and right means to alternate their personal government. Other problems include strong limitations on worldwide rights like freedom of speech and expression, freedom on the internet, and freedom of association, movement, assembly and religion and absence of same rights of children, women and noncitizen workforces.

Among other problems

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with human rights, some of them are anguish and other such abuses, holding political prisoners, overcrowding in detention centers and prisons. Rejection of due process, subjective interference with home and privacy, arbitrary arrest and detention, viciousness against women and discernment based on religion, gender, sect, ethnicity and race were all common. Even though the government tried their best to eliminate discrimination in some areas and stop individuals for domestic violence and trafficking, but it did not have much effect. Due to absence of governmental access and transparency, it was difficult to measure the greatness of several stated human rights difficulties.

Specifically mentioned is an awful incident which took place in 2011 in which the security officials supposedly took Mekhlef Bin Daham – human rights activist- from his prison lockup and forcefully emptied a sterile cleaning liquid in his throat which resulted in the man being hospitalized.

The same time this violent report was published from the Department of State report, NSA was at work to reconstruct its bonds with the tactically placed and Emirate, followed by a very restricted SIGINT relationship which started in 1991.

In this month, Waleed Abulkhair- Saudi activist of human rights- was sentenced to jail for 15 years due to provoking public view alongside the government and abusing the frontrunners and judiciary of the country.

In May, Raid Badawi (liberal blogger) was sentenced to prison for 10 years and in June Mukhlif Shammari was penalized to prison for 5 years for gathering, storing and sending information that challenges public order over a video on YouTube. The video highlighted two women of Saudi being mistreated.

This country is ranked 164 out of the 180 countries according to reporters of 2014 Deprived of Borders freedom press index. These countries are classified as Rivals of the internet.

To get additional information on VPN issues and censorship in Saudi, read this aricle

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